New Florida Greywater Laws Increase Demand for Reuse Systems

New Florida Law Increases Demand for Greywater Recycling Systems

A new statewide law in Florida is increasing the demand for Aqualoop greywater recycling systems supplied by Ecovie Water Management of Miami Beach, FL.  Developers who include greywater systems qualify for building density bonuses.  This is a very strong financial incentive for adoption since the ability to have more density increases return on investment. 

Reason for the new law:

Floridians get their water from rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, springs, aquifers, and estuaries across the state. Florida rainfall is plentiful, but the challenges facing Florida water contamination have been escalating with increasing population.

Flooding, building discharge, discharge of fats, oils and greases, overloaded treatment plants, mined limestone quarries, saltwater intrusion, leaking septic tanks and cracked superfund sites, are all contamination problems of their own. Considering them all together, we can easily reach a crisis point, where short-term solutions will have a minimal impact.

Potable water conservation is driving the development of new laws, ordinances, and consent decrees in the state of Florida.

Details of Florida Statute 403-892:

Florida Statute 403.892 offers important incentives to developers and home builders for using greywater recycling, that is water from buildings that include bath, shower, bathroom sink, and laundry water. The primary aim of the statute is to promote reuse of water for non-potable purposes such as toilet flushing and irrigation.

Florida Statute 403.892 offers 25 percent density or intensity bonus to a developer or homebuilder if at least 75 percent of a proposed or existing development will have a greywater system installed, or a 35 percent bonus if 100 percent of a proposed or an existing development will have a greywater system installed.

The bonus under this paragraph in addition to any bonus provided by a county, municipality, or special district ordinance in effect on July 1, 2021.

To apply for the incentives mentioned above, the homebuilder or developer must verify to the respective government agency that all the below requirements are fulfilled:

  • The existing or proposed property has at least 25 separate single-family homes or 25 multifamily residential units, including apartments.
  • Each single-family residence must have its own greywater system solely dedicated to its use. Each multifamily unit must be serviced by a system dedicated to its use by a master greywater collection and reuse system.
  • The homebuilder or developer must submit a manufacturer’s warranty or other documents assuring that the residential greywater system will operate as intended and includes approximate potable water savings per system. The submission must come from a government agency, research institute, or building code official.
  • The required maintenance of the greywater system will be the owner’s responsibility.

The initial homeowner must supply a maintenance and operation manual for the greywater system. This document will provide the means of contacting the manufacturer or installer and include complete directions to the residential homeowner that the manual shall stay within the residence through the system’s lifespan.

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Now What?

For more information about Aqualoop systems, please contact Ecovie at  We’d be delighted to talk to you and to set up informational meetings.

Did You Know?

Florida requires NSF 350 certification for greywater systems used for toilet flushing. Aqualoop is the only system tested and certified by NSF to this standard for commercial scale systems.

(Link to Video and Link to Listing)

Florida building code requires NSF350C certification for greywater recycling. The AQUALOOP greywater system is the only system certified by NSF International with the NSF 350C Standard for commercial and residential applications.

Do you know what NSF 350C certification entails? Watch Video: